TTN Payload Decoder Scripts for Maxbotix RBS306 MHBR

TTN Payload Decoder Scripts for Maxbotix RBS306 MHBR

I had a problem with my RBS306 bricking. Since there is no console configuration command for resetting, I succeeded in resetting  factory defaults by ,taking off the lid, removing the batteries by cutting the zip-tie, and replacing same. Never mind that this voids the warranty.

I don't know about the battery life with periodic reporting with the Maxbotix sonic sensor (may consume significant power)  but it does seem to work now with 6 minute reporting. Periodic reporting is discouraged in the device manual.

I may want to decouple from Radio Bridge Console, and would like to have the TTN payload decoding codes for the RBS306.

Do TTN decoder scripts exist? I may have missed them.