How Do I Decode A High Precision Tilt Sensor Event?

How Do I Decode A High Precision Tilt Sensor Event?

The High Precision Tilt Sensor will generate events if when the sensor is tilted either away from or toward the vertical orientation by a specified amount.


Byte 0: 7-4

Byte 0: 3-0

Byte 1

Byte 2 


Byte 3

Byte 4

Byte 5

Protocol version



(4 bits)





(4 bits)

Message Type Code




High Precision Tilt




(0x02 in the example below)

Tilt angle in whole degrees




(0x60 in the example below)

Tilt angle in fractional degrees



(0x01 in example below)

Temperature in degrees Celsius




(0x1A in example below)


Protocol Definition

              First 4 bits are defined by Radio Bridge for the protocol

              Next 4 bits are a counter that goes from 0 to F (Hex) and repeats


Message Type Code

              0x0F represents the High Precision Tilt Message Type Code


High Precision Tilt Sensor Event

              Byte 2                         Description

                  0x00                              Periodic Report

                  0x01                              Sensor transitioned toward the 0-degree vertical orientation

                  0x02                              Sensor transitioned away from the 0-degree vertical orientation

                  0x03                              Report on change toward the 0-degree vertical orientation

                  0x04                              Report on change away from the 0-degree vertical orientation

                  0x05                              Temperature in degrees C


Byte 3

              Tilt angle from vertical axis – whole degrees


Byte 4

              Tilt angle from vertical axis – fractional degrees


Byte 5

              Temperature in degrees C



Example of High Precision Tilt Sensor Event Message


10 0F 02 60 01 1A


1                                 Protocol Version (currently always 0x1)

0                                 Packet Counter (increments by 1 each message and wraps from 0xF to 0x0)

0F                               Message Type Code (0x0F = High Precision Tilt Sensor Identifying value)

02                               High Precision Tilt Sensor Event Payload (0x01 = Sensor transitioned away from the 0-degree vertical orientation)

60                                Tilt Angle in whole degrees (0x60 = device tilted 96 degrees)

01                                 Tilt Angle in fractional degrees (0x01 = 0.1, so add 0.1 to whole degree tilt angle (96 degrees) to get more specific value. 96 degrees + 0.1 degrees = 96.1 degrees)

1A                                 Temperature in Celsius (0x1A = 18 degrees Celsius)




The Radio Bridge Console will generate the following output for this message:


Tilt Event

Sensor transitioned away from the vertical orientation

Tilt angle from vertical axis:96.1 Degrees

Temperature: 26 C




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