How do I encode a Configuration Downlink for a Door/Window Sensor?

How do I encode a Configuration Downlink for a Door/Window Sensor?

NOTE:  All downlinks must contain a total of (8) bytes, padded with zeros at the end when necessary.

See User Manual at for more information.

Door Window Sensor Configuration Message: 0x03
      Byte            Description
      0   Downlink Message Type (0x03 = Door Window Sensor)

            Byte            Description
            1                     Enable Events (see the table Enable Event Bit Definitions)
            2-3                  Open hold time
            4-5                  Close hold time

Enable Events Bit Definitions
      Bits            Description
      7:2             Not used
      1                 Enable close events. Clear to enable, set to disable
      0                 Enable open events. Clear to enable, set to disable

Door Window Sensor Configuration Example:
      03 00 00 14 09 60 00 00
      03                   Downlink Message Type ( Door Window Sensor = 0x03 )
      00                   Enable Events (see the table Enable Event Bit Definitions)
      0014              Open hold time (0x0014 = 20, 20*250ms = 5 seconds)
      0960              Close hold time (0x0960 = 2400,  2400*250ms = 600 seconds = 10 minutes)                
      00                   Not used
      00                   Not used

      If the configuration is successful the sensor will respond with a Downlink Acknowledge message:
      1 0 FF 02
      1                   Protocol Version (currently always 0x1)
      0                   Packet Counter, increments by 1 each message and wraps from 0xF to 0x0
      FF                 Message Type (Downlink ACK = 0xFF)
      02                 Downlink Message Valid (Invalid/Undefined = 0x01, Valid = 0x02)

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