Thermocouple Temp Sensor Threshold Configuration Example:
13 00 89 0B 4B 00 28 A0
13 Downlink Message Type ( 0x13 = Thermocouple Temp Sensor )
06 0x06 K-Type Thermocouple + 0x00 Threshold Mode (Binary 00110 + Binary 0 )
00 Configuration Mode (0x00 = Threshold Mode)
89 Periodic Reporting (0x89 = 9 minutes)
0B Restoral margin in degrees (0x0B = 11 degrees Celsius)
4B00 Upper temperature threshold (4B00 -> 2’s complement then divided by 16 = 19200/16 = 1200 degrees Celsius)
28A0 Lower temperature threshold (28A0 -> 2's complement then divided by 16 = 10400/16 = 650 degrees Celsius)
Thermocouple Temp Sensor Report On Change Configuration Example:
13 01 1B 00 03 70 03 F0
13 Downlink Message Type (0x13 = Thermocouple Temp Sensor)
07 0x06 K-Type Thermocouple + 0x01 Report-on-Change Mode (Binary 00110 + Binary 1 )
01 Configuration Mode (0x01 = Report on Change Mode)
1B Periodic Reporting (0x1B = 27 Hours)
00 Not Used
0370 Temperature Increase (0370 -> 2’s complement then divided by 16 = 880/16 = 55)
03F0 Temperature Decrease (03F0 -> 2’s complement then divided by 16 = 1008 = 63)
If the configuration is successful the sensor will respond with a Downlink Acknowledge message:
1 0 FF 02
1 Protocol Version (currently always 0x1)
0 Packet Counter, increments by 1 each message and wraps from 0xF to 0x0
FF Message Type (Downlink ACK = 0xFF)
02 Downlink Message Valid (Invalid/Undefined = 0x01, Valid = 0x02)