How do I encode a downlink for an ABM (Acceleration Based Movement) Sensor?

How do I encode a downlink for an ABM (Acceleration Based Movement) Sensor?

NOTE:  All downlinks must contain a total of (8) bytes, padded with zeros at the end when necessary.

ABM sensor Configuration Message: 0x0E
      Byte            Description
      0                  Downlink Message Type (0x09 = ABM Sensor)
      1                  Acceleration change threshold for any axis (X, Y, or Z). Bits 6:0 only
      2                  Settling window time (see section Settling Window)
      3                  Scaling (See Scaling table below)
      4                  Disable reporting (see Disable Reporting table below)
The table below describes the bit definitions for the Disable Reporting byte from the downlink command. In each case setting the bit will disable the reporting and clearing the bit will enable reporting.

Enable reporting Bit Definitions
      Bit                        Description
      7:2                       Not used
      1                          Enable reporting for movement stop
      0                          Enable reporting for movement start

The table below defines the scaling parameter in the downlink command. 
        Setting                Description                      Units for Threshold
         0x00                    +/- 2g                                 0.016g
         0x01                    +/- 4g                                 0.032g
         0x02                    +/- 8g                                 0.062g
         0x03                    +/- 16g                               0.186g

The scaling parameter defines the G-force (1g is the force of gravity) range that the internal accelerometer operates with, and the lower settings will be more sensitive than higher settings. The threshold setting will have units based on the scaling factor as shown in the table above. For example, if the scaling is set to +/- 2g (2x the force of gravity), then the threshold setting can be multiplied by 0.016g to calculate the total G-force threshold. The accelerometer is measured every 250ms and if the difference between two consecutive measurements exceeds the threshold, then a message is sent.
The minimum setting for the acceleration change threshold is 5. If a lower number is programmed, the sensor will not generate an event.

For best practice, use the largest scaling factor that the system will allow and the smallest threshold. For example, use a threshold of 5 with scaling factor 4g instead of threshold of 10 with 2g.
Settling Window

In order to prevent continuous reporting of movement events, a “settling window” is used to ensure movement has stopped before the sensor reports a new event. In other words, the settling window defines the amount of time where the acceleration of all axis must stop changing before the sensor will report another event.

The settling window time sets has units of 250ms increments (range of 250ms to 63 seconds). The default settling window is 5 seconds.

Threshold Mode Configuration Example:
      0E 0F 24 01 00 00 00 00
      0E      Downlink Message Type (0x0E = ABM Sensor)
      0F      Acceleration change threshold for any axis (0x0F = 15 units)
      24      Settling window time (0x24 = 36 -> 36*250ms = 9 seconds)
      01      Scaling (See Scaling table above -> 0x01 =   +/- 4g )
      00      Enable/Disable Reporting Movement Events:
                      Enable reporting for movement start events: yes
                      Enable reporting for movement stop events: yes
      00      Not used
      00      Not used
      00      Not used

If the configuration is successful the sensor will respond with a Downlink Acknowledge message:
      1 0 FF 02
      1                   Protocol Version (currently always 0x1)
      0                   Packet Counter, increments by 1 each message and wraps from 0xF to 0x0
      FF                 Message Type (Downlink ACK = 0xFF)
      02                 Downlink Message Valid (Invalid/Undefined = 0x01, Valid = 0x02)

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